Bi-weekly Journal 6

My internship with the Bunche center has come to an end. It was a lot of fun and the content I got to produce, direct, and edit turned out immaculate. The pay was great as well but now time to make sure all my grades are good in my classes since they are due in three days. 17 more days till graduation!


Policy Affecting Women- Planned Parenthood

While Mike Pence, vice president-elect, was in Congress he had introduced six separate measures aimed at blocking care at Planned Parenthood centers. He has stated, “The largest abortion provider in America should not also be the largest recipient of federal funding under Title X.” Ultimately, he wants to defund the non-profit organization.

“There use to be five Planned Parenthood centers in DC and now there are only two so him going into office concerns me.” D.C resident Cornelia Green said.


Planned Parenthood is the largest single provider of reproductive health services, including abortion, in the United States. In 2014-2015, PPFA reported that only three percent of its services are abortion services. Antiabortion supporters continue to argue that 94 percent of Planned Parenthood’s services are abortions. In the U.S. about three in ten American women will have had an abortion by the time she reaches age 45.

Earlier this week Nick Cannon made comments claiming that Planned Parenthood (PPFA) is responsible for “real genocide” and engages in “population control”.

“The lady [Margaret Sanger] who created Planned Parenthood didn’t even like black people.” DC resident Ameerah Collins said. “I read somewhere that she created it [PPFA] because she thought blacks should have never been born so I can see why Nick Cannon feels that way about the organization. Especially since black women are the highest race that gets abortions.”

According to, Guttmacher Institute the abortion rate for black women is five times that for white women but state that the abortion rate correlates directly to unintended pregnancy rate across races.


Even though abortion is a legal practice, 43 states have passed laws known as TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) laws. TRAP laws vary but the basis is to make it harder for women to get their procedures. The District has the least restrictive abortion laws in the nation. In DC abortions do not need to be performed by a licensed physician, doesn’t ban late-term abortions, and there are no requirement that abortions be performed at a hospital or with a second doctor present. Additionally, there are public funds available for women seeking an abortion in the case of rape or incest and minors do not need parental consent.

In president-elect Donald Trump’s 60 minute interview, he stated that he wants to assign judges that will overturn Roe v.Wade.

“If [Roe v. Wade] ever were overturned, it would go back to the states,” Trump said.

Stahl followed up: “But then some women won’t be able to get an abortion?”

“Yeah, well, they’ll perhaps have to go — they’ll have to go to another state,” Trump said.

“And that’s okay?” Stahl asked.

“Well, we’ll see what happens,” Trump said. “It’s got a long way to go.”

Roe v. Wade is a landmark decision that recognized the constitutional right to privacy extends to a woman’s right make her own personal medical decisions- including the decision to have an abortion without interference from politicians.

Immigration Poll Story


With the new election approaching, Republican candidate Donald Trump has made headlines with his remarks about immigration. He stated, that he would like to build a wall on the Mexican/American border to prevent Mexicans from entering America. According to a new CNN/ORC Poll, voters are mainly opposed to Trumps wall.

Fifty-eight percent of Americans are opposed to building a wall along the entire border with Mexico and contrary to what Trump has suggested, 74% doubt that Mexico would pay for the wall.

“The only reason it’s [the wall] on the Mexican boarder is because it’s so close.” Senior Tyra Trent said. “The wall isn’t going to happen though but I do understand why Trump said that because most illegal immigrants are Mexicans or Mexican-American so that’s why he’s marginalizing them but the wall thing is not possible.”

Additionally, the poll showed that 51% of Americans support developing a plan for all undocumented immigrants to have jobs to become legal residents. In 2014, President Obama passed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) which allowed undocumented immigrants who were brought here before their 16th birthday to be able to receive a renewable two-year work permit and exemption from deportation.

“I feel DACA was a step in the right direction.” Trent said. “I feel like if someone has been here for a while and has been a productive citizen and hasn’t done any criminal activity then they should be able to treated as American citizens.”

On the other hand, 36% say developing a plan to stop immigrants from entering the US illegally needs to be top priority, while 11% believe that deporting immigrants (without criminal record) living in the US illegally should be first priority.

“I believe that people wouldn’t enter America illegally if becoming a citizen or getting a work visa was easier,” Samantha Thompson said. “My family and I are from Canada and it took us over 10 years to all receive green cards. Now we’re in the process of getting our citizenship but it’s crazy that I’ve been here since I was seven and I’m still going through it.”

The poll was conducted by CNN/ORC on September 1-4. The national sample includes 1,001 adult Americans. The margin for sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.



Tech Story

With all the new technology coming out in the recent years, it is easy for one to get overwhelmed with all the new products. Typically with new products comes higher price tags which can become stressful for the young professional.

Lucia Hassell, an Academic Technology Coordinator at an elementary school, recently held a workshop at Capital View Library, located on 5001 Central Ave SE, teaching Google Apps. The one-hour crash course was designed to break down the basics of Google Drive and Docs, sharing tricks and tips for getting the most out of Google’s free technology.

“I wanted to teach this course because I realized people don’t know how much they can get done in Google Apps,” Hassel said. “Google Apps is a very powerful tool.”

Google Apps has two sectors: Google Apps for work and Google Apps for education. Google Apps for work, which was launched on August 28,2006 includes Google Talk, Google Sites, Google Hangouts and other products. Two months later Google Apps for education was launched. Hassell believes that students overlook the accessibility over the free app.

“Ms. Hassell’s workshop was fun,” student Arielle Williams said. “She was easy to follow. I feel like I learned a lot.”

Being a teacher for over five years, Hassell understands the importance of instilling education and technology in the classroom. Hassell used to teach at a Title 1 school in Washington D.C. and is now teaching at a charter school in Bethesda, Maryland. She is one of five African-American teachers there.

“It’s not often you see an African-American woman in technology,” coworker Taralyn Oliver said. “I think it’s beautiful how passionate Lucia is about technology in the classroom and in the youth. I love how she’s always pushing her students to get more involved in like computer engineering type stuff.”

According to the Education Department report, more than 40 percent of schools across the country with low-income families are being shortchanged when it comes to state and local funding.

“The new school I’m at is great, but there are days when I wish I could take all the computers, smart boards, and tablets to my old students,” Hassell said. “I see how advanced these kids are solely because they go to a more privileged school and I know that my old students would really prosper with the proper tools.”

Hassell eventually wants to teach the workshop across high schools and college campuses.

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Pictures in Various Lightings

Photography can be a tricky, especially when dealing with natural light. I shot a couple different people in an array of settings to showcase how different they’d come out.

The first two photos are of some performances inside a dimly lit stage. I had to solely rely on the built in show lights so as you can see dependent on the color of the light the picture had a hue. The top photo is a bit blue-r whereas the bottom photo has a ton of red in it.


These two photos were shot a night. I didn’t use a flash. I solely used the light hanging over to the left. Since I only used one light the shadows in the first picture are heavy because the subject is hunch over a bit. The second photo he is leaning upwards but since there isn’t a light on his right side there is still a shadow.


Shooting in open shade is one of my favorite lightings to shoot in. The lighting does change a bit but it’s great to shoot in if it is insanely bright outside and you don’t want an intense highlight in your photos.


Ask any photographer and we will all say that an overcast day is the absolute best day to take pictures. An overcast day allows the photo to be perfectly balanced and perfect for editing. Also, your subject won’t be sweating bullets because of the heat.


I’ve been trying to perfect silhouette and I just can’t seem to get it. The top picture turned out better than the bottom one but they both aren’t that great. I set the aperture really low and no flash. The only light I used was the one behind the subject.


Oh, how I dread sunny days. No matter how low the setting are the sun just seems to beam straight through. As you can see the sun creates these crazy shadows and ultra-bright highlights. My lighting meter said the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO levels were perfect for this lighting but I’ll edit this photo in photoshop. Fix the levels by making the highlights a bit darker and adding a bit more contrast.


About Me

Hey wassup y’all. I am Eileen Salazar. I am from the home of the dirty sprite, candy painted cars and the place that birth Queen Beyonce: H-tiiine, lol. On a serious note, I am from Houston, Texas but I currently reside in Washington, D.C for school. I am a sophomore journalism major, graphic design minor at the illustrious Howard University.


I hope to gain in this course, Multimedia Storytelling, more about news writing and the magazine industry. I want to learn more about the magazine industry because some life goals include working for The Fader, XXL, Nylon and a ton of other places, but that list would go on forever. Ultimately, I want to start my own magazine, like Seventeen, for Afro-Latinas. Yea, you read right, I said Afro-Latinas. If you couldn’t tell by my last name I am 100% Colombian; both my parents were born and raised in Buenaventura, Colombia. I want to be like the Oprah Winfrey with a Spanish twist of my generation.


Identify a News Blog

I choose The Washington Post’s website. What I liked about their website is that it’s easy to navigate. Also, when you first arrive to the site you aren’t overwhelmed by a ton of words and stories.

Screen Shot 2016-04-27 at 5.28.16 PM

The “About Us” section didn’t have any personal elements. It was straight facts about the newspaper. The bio doesn’t tell me anything about the writer. Simply about what The Washington Post is about and what they do for the community.

What I would like to incorporate into my blog from The Washington Post is more ads. I like how they have ads throughout the site but they are so well placed they aren’t obnoxious.